Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Judge

We're getting our first NPC put into College Ruled Universe!

I started doodling, and as always, it got out of hand.

He looks like this, all put together.

The Judge.  Sitting atop a pile of rotting, rejected ideas, he sorts the good from the bad.  Or more like the useful from the useless.  With new ones popping up all the time, his job never ends.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Arachnid at LA Games Conference

Hey all!

I'm gonna be speaking on a panel at: 

I'll be talking about College Ruled Universe, and how to group-fund for minimal game budgets.  If you're gonna be there, come say hi.  :)

I'll be speaking at 4:45 pm.  The panel includes others for medium and large budget game projects also funded through Kickstarter.  You lookin' to learn?  Come check it out!